Eco School

Our Eco - School Action Team for 2024-2025.

At Mountnorris PS we take a keen interest in our environment. We encourage the children to look after the world which God has created. To this end, we were awarded our first Green Flag in 2014 and with hard work and dedication, we received our second green flag in 2017. Due to COVID we had a delay but received our third green flag in June 2023.
To make our school more eco-friendly we:
- have recycling bins in every classroom;
- make our own compost from our fruit and veg scraps;
- are able to use the compost in our pupil -led and planned vegetable plot
- have bat boxes, bird boxes, insect hotel and bird tables; all of which we hope will increase biodiversity in our school grounds;
- have raised beds in which we grow our own produce such as potatoes, leeks and rhubarb.
- use our produce effectively - we like to sell our produce to invest more money in our gardens.
- We participate in the Royal Horticultural School Gardening Awards and have earned our level 4 certificate.
- We study climate change and look at things we can do to help slow global warming.